Compare Fusio to Kong


Kong is written in Lua and extends OpenResty which extends NGINX with LuaJIT. Kong provides many API related features like i.e. a Developer-Portal to onboard new users for your API, unfortunately this and also some other features are not available at the open-source product and can be only used with Kong-Enterprise.

Fusio is fully open-source this means we have only one product where all features like the developer portal are contained. Fusio can also work with NGINX since it is a plain PHP application. Another great feature of Fusio is the possibility to automatically generate a client SDK for your API.


  • Written in PHP and usable with different web-servers like Nginx or Apache.
  • Easy self-hosting on a simple VHost or large cloud provider
  • API Gateway features like Authorization, Analytics, Rate-Limiting
  • API Monetization
  • Developer portal to onboard new developers
  • Provides Javascript, PHP, Java, Go and Angular SDKs


  • Well-known API gateway solution
  • Written as Lua Plugin for Nginx
  • Open-source and enterprise offerings
  • OpenTelemetry
  • Basic Traffic Control Plugins
  • Simple Data Transformations