
Fusio 5.1.0 released

posted by chriskapp on

We are happy to release the next minor version 5.1.0 of Fusio.

In the following list we cover all important features of this new release:

  • Add backend database panel

    A new database panel was added which allows you to view and edit the database schema of every SQL connection. This new database panel replaces the phpMyAdmin and Adminer app which are no longer needed to modify your database schema. This improves also the developer experience since you can now build your complete API inside the backend.

    Database panel
  • Integrate the new marketplace

    We have introduced a new marketplace where every user can register and provide actions and apps which can then be installed through the marketplace panel. Previously the marketplace contained only apps, the new marketplace also contains actions.

    Marketplace panel
  • Add development section to the backend app

    To keep the menu clearer we have introduced a new "development" section which now contains the new Database panel and we have also moved the SDK, Generator and Marketplace to this section.

  • Add SDK Fabric adapter

    The SDK Fabric adapter is based on our new SDK-Fabric project which is our attempt to integrate external APIs into Fusio. Initially we have added some services like Airtable/Notion and we plan to extend this on demand, so please let us know if you like to see support for a specific service. Every SDK connection can then be used in an action to work with the service.

    Connection SDK
  • Add PHP local worker

    A new PHP local worker was added which works exactly like the normal PHP worker, the only difference is that the code gets executed on the server where Fusio runs and not at a dedicated worker service, this means you can use this worker directly out of the box without configuring a worker.

    PHP Local Worker
  • Improve PHP worker use engine interface

    The PHP worker services now also implement the interfaces of the fusio/engine package which are used on internal actions. This makes it easier to move action code into different environments.

With this release we greatly improve the developer experience by providing a database panel, and we have started to integrate external service SDKs. In the future we plan to extend those services so that Fusio can be used to easily integrate and build new services based on those SDKs. Have fun with this release, if you want to provide some feedback take a look at our GitHub discussions or issues page.

Best regards

part of the Apioo-Project