
Fusio is an open source API management platform which helps to create innovative API solutions. We think that there is a huge potential in the API economy, whether you need an API to expose your business functionality, develop one-page web applications, mobile-apps or microservices.

We truly believe in open source software. Fusio is a solution which is open source and self-hosted to protect you from vendor lock-in. Today there are many cloud solutions available which lock you in to a specific platform. With Fusio you have the freedom to choose the fitting hosting environment which can be either a simple virtual server or an autoscaling environment in the cloud.

To get started please take a look at our documentation website or dive directly into the SDKs. If you like the project and want to see it grow please check out the repository.


If you are researching API solutions you probably hear often the term API-Gateway/Proxy and API-Management. Fusio is an API-Management system in the sense that it helps to develop actual API endpoints (which i.e. request and transform data from a database). It is not limited to proxy requests to another API. The following diagram should give you a better overview.

Fusio Architecture

Fusio uses the backend services to produce an API response or to handle the request data. A backend service can be i.e. a database, message queue or another API. It is also very easy to implement a custom connection to support any 3rd party service.

The API can then be used by apps which are developed by yourself or by 3rd party developers. The apps can be i.e. javascript apps (like Angular, React, Vue etc.), mobile apps or actual desktop apps which need to communicate with your API. The Fusio backend app uses also the internal API to configure the system. Because of that it is also very easy to integrate Fusio into an existing system, since you actually can configure the complete system through the API.


If you are a blogger or magazine we would be happy if you like to cover Fusio. You can download the official icon set to represent Fusio.


If you like to sponsor our project please take a look at our repository to see all available donation options. We like to thank every user who has donated to the project.


If you are a company or freelancer and want to get detailed information how you can use Fusio you can contact us for consulting.


If you like to contribute to the project please visit our repository. To improve the documentation you can also take a look at our documentation website.

part of the Apioo-Project